The foundation of Bakhvi HPP company's operations lies in environmental, social, and commercial sustainability. This is best exemplified by our activities, notably our environmental and social management program, proceedings with strict adherence to the principle of transparency, ensuring the involvement of stakeholders in projects that are either in the planning phase or being implemented.
Each project we implement within our environmental and social program is selected in collaboration with the people it's meant to benefit; sustainability is a crucial factor in our selection process.
We want to set a precedent where the project is acceptalbe to all interested groups. Our communication model is the dialogue. To achieve this, we regularly hold meetings with the population, representatives of local government and business, non-governmental organizations, and the media.
We aim for both community residents and society to recognize the advantages of developing and operating hydrogeneration facilities. It's crucial for us to enhance our projects with European expertise and standards in construction of hydropower plant. This encompasses environmental protection, implementation of social projects and assurance of labor safety. That's why we conduct our operations in line with Georgia's laws and regulations, as well as in compliance with the environmental and social management standards set by international financial institutions - IFC and EIB.
We would like the investments made in environmental and social management to yield sustainable results in the following areas:
Environmental Protection
Managing environmental issues by minimizing environmental foot print, which is achieved both through the implementing appropriate mitigation measures and prioritizing avoidance of any negative effect.
Social Programming
Developing and implementing specific social projects to support sustainable development of the community through ongoing dialogue with the representatives of the local residents and local government.
Labor Safety
For our company, human health and safety are main values and top priority. Therefore, all activities within the company most strictly adhere to the standards outlined in the labor safety legislation of Georgia and Western countries.