On March 26, 2024, as part of the Bakhvi HPP Environmental and Social Advisory Council's Engagement Program, senior students from Mtispiri and Chkhakaura schools visited the "Ivlita’s Library" in the town of Chokhatauri. There, Ia Mamaladze, founder of "Guria News" and a member of the Advisory Council, conducted a seminar titled "Whose Destiny is Freedom." Ia Mamaladze, a journalist by profession, founded the "Guria News" agency in 1991, which is disseminated across various platforms. She has served as the Chairperson of the Georgian Regional Media Association, a member of the Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics, and has led numerous international and local media projects, as well as electoral and local self-government projects. She has received several journalism awards and currently heads the Media Monitoring Center.
Ia Mamaladze, a journalist by profession, founded the "Guria News" agency in 1991, which is disseminated across various platforms. She has served as the Chairperson of the Georgian Regional Media Association, a member of the Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics, and has led numerous international and local media projects, as well as electoral and local self-government projects. She has received several journalism awards and currently heads the Media Monitoring Center.
„ჩემთვის ძალიან მნიშვნელოვანი იყო იმ თაობის ახალგაზრდებთან შეხვედრა, რომლებმაც ბევრი მნიშვნელოვანი ფაქტი არ იციან საქართველოს უახლესი წარსულიდან. ამ თაობას აღარ უწევს საბჭოთა პერიოდზე საუბარი. თუმცა მათ უნდა იცოდნენ, რომ ქართველებს გვაქვს გენეტიკური ცოდნა, თუ როგორ უნდა იქცეს ადამიანი მოქალაქედ. განვიხილეთ 1918-1921 წლის საქართველოს რესპუბლიკა. საქართველომ შექმნა სამაგალითო კონსტიტუცია და დამოუკიდებლობის აქტი. ბავშვებმა კარგად გაიაზრეს ეს ყველაფერი, იყო ჩართულობა მათი მხრიდან“ – განაცხადა „გურია ნიუსის“ დამფუძნებელმა და ბახვი ჰესის მრჩეველთა საბჭოს წევრმა ია მამალაძემ.
The seminar "Whose Destiny is Freedom" was attended by 30 senior students (grades 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) from Mtispiri and Chkhakaura schools, along with several of their teachers.
Tako Chavleshvil, a tenth-grade student from Mtispiri Public School, said,
"We discussed the chronology of Georgia's declaration of independence, which was very fruitful and interesting. I am very grateful to the organizers for such an engaging day. I believe the knowledge I gained will be useful in the future."
Saba Katamadze, a ninth-grade student from Chkhakaura Public School, commented,
"Today will be memorable in my life. I learned many new things about Georgia's history. It is unfortunate that we lost our independence in 1921, but today our path is directed towards Europe, and we will return in European family much stronger."
The Bakhvi HPP Advisory Council's Engagement Program, initiated in 2023, will continue in 2024, featuring many interesting meetings and events with the participation of the Advisory Council members.