Interview with David Koberidze, Environmental, Social, and Governance Manager of Bakhvi HPP Greetings, Mr. Koberidze. How is the action plan, drafted by foreign experts based on biodiversity and other studies conducted during the environmental impact assessment, progressing? • Greetings and thank you for your interest. I must inform you that alongside the construction work, environmental activities and monitoring are actively underway. We have an obligation to comply not only with local legislation but also with the recommendations of the experts who worked on the studies included in the environmental impact assessment document. The action plan they provided ensures that, if implemented correctly, the environmental impact will either be entirely avoided or minimized using mitigating methods. The environmental monitoring plan is also approved and coordinated with the National Environmental Agency. We adhere to this document, and both local and foreign experts periodically review these activities.
Can you specify what type of monitoring was conducted and what were the results? • In the first and second quarters of 2024, DG Consulting conducted noise, dust, and vibration monitoring on behalf of Bakhvi HPP within the construction camp area. The monitoring activities included measuring noise and vibration levels within the camp area and assessing air quality. Additionally, noise levels were measured in the yard of the nearest resident, considered a sensitive receptor of the project. According to the monitoring results, the concentration of dust particles in the air is low. There is no significant generation or spread of dust on-site. Regarding noise, it is permissible to work under conditions of up to 80 decibels. According to the monitoring results, the average noise level is low (51.0 dB) and does not approach the standard threshold. In terms of vibration, according to Georgian legislation, the vibration level should not exceed 67 (+10) decibels. The monitoring results indicated a vibration level of 65.9 dB within the camp area. Surface water quality monitoring is planned for the coming days, and once the results are known, they will be made public.
What studies are planned in the field of biodiversity? • As part of the environmental monitoring agreed with the National Environmental Agency, Bakhvi HPP monitors all components of the environment and biodiversity within the project area. Planned studies include monitoring habitats and vegetation in and around the project corridor, resident and visiting animals, and the biological environment of the Bakhvitskali River, which will be conducted by invited experts. Biodiversity monitoring includes the following components: 1) Habitat monitoring; 2) Animal monitoring; 3) Reptile and amphibian monitoring.
Is there a planned study regarding aquatic biodiversity? • Regarding the monitoring of the biological environment of the Bakhvitskali River, the document will include comprehensive information on the project area from an ichthyological perspective, as well as the assessment of the sufficiency of the so-called ecological flow of water, selection and implementation of fish stocking, and other compensatory measures. The document will outline the study results, additional compensatory and/or mitigating measures, along with appropriate recommendations and conclusions.