The Bakhvi 2 HPP project, located in the village of Ukanava in the Ozurgeti municipality, 2.8 km from the village, in the Bakhvisckali River valley, received an environmental impact assessment permit from the National Environment Agency on May 29, 2023. The company began work on the project in 2022, after fully purchasing it from the previous owner. Although the old version of the project had an environmental impact permit, the new owner completely updated the project and went through the scoping and EIA stages again to make the project more technically efficient and environmentally less impactful. The company is currently in the process of preparing all documents necessary for a construction permit.
The company implementing the Bakhvi 1 HPP project received the EIA permit on June 27, 2022.
It's noteworthy that the management of Bakhvi 2 HPP collaborated with both local high-qualified experts and internationally recognized western companies:
1. The technical-economic feasibility study was prepared by the European consulting company "AFRY," which has international experience; 2. The engineering-geological survey was conducted by the German company CSE - Caucasus Science Engineering; 3. The environmental impact assessment document was developed by "GAMA Consulting"; 4. The biodiversity study was carried out by the international European company SLR. The study was led by Nicola Folkes from SLR's UK office. SLR also prepared the biodiversity action plan and a list of possible mitigation measures; 5. The climate study was conducted by Pierre Biderman, an international expert and founder of the French company Alpag; 6. The cumulative impact study was also prepared by Pierre Biderman and his company, who developed a list of mitigation measures and an action plan for their implementation; 7. The cost-benefit analysis was prepared by Pierre Biderman and his company; 8. The study of the otter population in the Bakhvi 2 HPP project area was conducted by Niko Kerdikoshvili, scientific program manager at Tbilisi Zoo and an ecology master's degree holder.
In line with the company's transparency and engagement policy, press releases will be periodically issued regarding each of the studies mentioned above. The company will include all possible links to ensure that specialists and field experts can easily access the studies and recommendations conducted by the experts.
In the Ozurgeti municipality, LLC "Bakhvi 2" has submitted changes to the Bakhvi 2 HPP project, including operational changes and the construction and operation of a 35 kV transmission line. The environmental decision permit can be found here: Environmental Permit
- – სრული საქმის წარმოება ბახვი 2 ჰესის პროექტზე 2. დამატებით წარდგენილი დოკუმენტები
ჩოხატაურის და ოზურგეთის მუნიციპალიტეტებში, შპს „სი-სი-ი-ეიჩ ჰაიდრო VI“-ის მდ. ბახვისწყალზე, 10,9 მგვტ დადგმული სიმძლავრის, ბუნებრივ ჩამონადენზე მომუშავე „ბახვი 1 ჰესის“ და 110 კვ ძაბვის ქვესადგურის მშენებლობასა და ექსპლუატაციაზე გარემოსდაცვითი გადაწყვეტილების გაცემის შესახებ. ნებართვა შეგიძლიათ იხილოთ აქ:
სრული საქმის წარმოება ბახვი 1 ჰესის პროექტზე:
For the complete case file on the Bakhvi 1 HPP project: Full Case File Bakhvi 1 HPP The goal of Bakhvi HPP is to implement the Bakhvi 2 HPP project in full compliance with Georgian legislation and regulations, as well as the environmental and social management standards of international financial institutions IFC and EIB.